Sunday, September 30, 2007
at 2:23 PM we sang
read the pic!

pmz wishes all who are
(a) chionging their asses off
(b) buried waist deep in notes
(c) half-giving up
which happily happen to be tomorrow :D
i secretly think they want to remind us that we ain't kids no longer
so they destroy our children's day for us >:(
G. lucky! find comfort in the knowledge lie that no matter how badly you fail,
pmz exclamation mark smaller than 3
will fail it worse than you ever can.
Friday, September 28, 2007
at 8:44 PM we sang
hey ya'll, da pmz's here :Di missed out the wunderfull year4s yesterday or two days ago or three days ago EEKS nevermind haha. SO. im here to wish them something too!WISH YOU ALL MISS ME MORE NOW :D HAHAHAHA.i have a serious problem -.-omg i miss blogging sosososososo much! NO WORRIES, PMZ, YOU WILL BLOG AGAIN ON 12OCT!what a very familiar date :D no coughing!! D:remember 12oct! it should be in all your calendars. the standing one on your table, the paper one on your wall, the one in your handbook, the one in your handphone .. SHOULD BE EVERYWHERE. haha! :Dself-entertainmennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnt! i'll be a busy woman from now on so the blog shall go dead. may i appeal to all year4s who have access to this lovely blog kept alive by the youngest&onlydoublegeog A2 who happens to be ohsolovable&adorable& ... to please blog too! hahaha :Dyepyep. WISHING ALL YEAR4S HAPPY RETIREMENT.eh.WISHING ALL YEAR4S HAPPY BREAK :Di want to invent a new element.it shall be promethazine :D PMZ. currently i am Promethium. :D:DWHAT ELEMENT ARE YOU!!i am Promethium.NO. i am Promethazine.pmz is so much cooler -.-JUST LIKE ME :Djust that i'm cold.there's a difference.happy retirement year4s!us juniors are at the peak of our lives.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
at 7:34 PM we sang
BABY DARLINGS! :Dguess who's here! anyway its been a really long time since anyone blogged so i decided to come wish you all happy people JIAYOU FOR EXAMS!muahaha.to my darling year1s:first major exam in dunman! go people :D be stressed, cos i think you should be? heh.to my year2s:MUAHAHA. don't sacrifice all your time studying okay, you still have to spend and cherish the time left with your classes! cos you know you'll miss them later :D and. the eoye are just a reminder of that.AND TAKE GEOG NEXT YEAR! why do you all insist on history -.- i have never seen the fun in studying about dead people.to my SEXY BELOVED YEAR3 ALTOES!:mama says hello! although i am like the youngest year3 alto (im waiting to be proven wrong. muahaha) AND. the only A2! okay. anyway. you all prokias out there! i shall not wish you all good luck cos blogger refused to cough out my pic. and i am the only doublegeog. i keep sticking out!! anyway the hall is all prepared for our butts on monday! look at it on a dark day and you'll feel like dying haha.and. last but DEFINITELY NOT the least ...JIAYOU PMZ! :DDoh i'm such an idiot. pmz!<3
Friday, September 14, 2007
at 11:09 PM we sang
HAPPY SC FAMILY HAHAHHA.hello yiting, now i wont feel so lonely anymore(:pmz!<3
at 10:39 PM we sang
altos! just wanna tell you guys that
yiting is a SC! *clap clap*gratz yiting :D
all the best for eoys! :Dlove, jane!
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
at 6:32 PM we sang

OMG! !!! !!!
i just found this picture from a chorister's blog.
so damn cute!
juniors please look at how toot/guai your seniors were when they were sec1 (for our batch)
see teckhuat, minjie and kennard (OMG THEY LOOK SO CUTE AND SMALL-ISH HAHA!) and the clement lookalike (kevin seet)
wansi and lydia and veron and sam (hahahah) looking very guai (:
and omg me and trish hahhahahhaaha.
okay thats all i guess. would like to say a JIAYOU! to everyone for their eoys! MUGMUGMUG :)
love, jingqi
Thursday, September 6, 2007
at 10:55 AM we sang
Hey everyone!!
Just here to wish all our dearest altos all the best for your eoys. Jiayou. Altos are smart people and we all know that.XD Please feel free to ask anyone of your fellow altos for help if you need. Haha. Don't be shy shy. Yupps. I think that's about all. Gambate!
the dunman high school choir comprises of fifty over singers in four sections, soprano,
alto, tenor and bass.
the alto section has 15 singers, including the current sec4'06 batch which will be leaving us on handover day.
our current section leader is
jane wang :D
members for year 2007:
tung qiao yue 4A
wang zhuo fei 4D
liu jing chen 4E
gloria goh 4J
chung pui mun 3D
tricia goh 3H
ng jing qi 3J
linda qin zhen 3K
melissa tsang 2C
jane wang 2D
siew qing hui 2K
tang yiting 1E
huang tao 1E
sarah loh 1E
xu ruowei 1G
this blog is created on the 26th of may, 2007. the idea of an alto blog was by tricia, who was the SL of dhschoir alto 06-07 (:
we had sectionals to practice on our handover songs, and we had loads of fun and bonded as a section. while walking in white sands mall, she decided to do an alto blog. and thus jingqi took up the duty. lol. why so formal.
the first layout features members of the alto section of 06-07, with photos from choral ex and choir concert! it was put up on 5th june, 2007, made by
jingqi (lol zilian again)
& that is how lovealto.blogspot.com was born! :D
Sunday, September 30, 2007
2:23 PM
read the pic!

pmz wishes all who are
(a) chionging their asses off
(b) buried waist deep in notes
(c) half-giving up
which happily happen to be tomorrow :D
i secretly think they want to remind us that we ain't kids no longer
so they destroy our children's day for us >:(
G. lucky! find comfort in the knowledge lie that no matter how badly you fail,
pmz exclamation mark smaller than 3
will fail it worse than you ever can.
Friday, September 28, 2007
8:44 PM
hey ya'll, da pmz's here :Di missed out the wunderfull year4s yesterday or two days ago or three days ago EEKS nevermind haha. SO. im here to wish them something too!WISH YOU ALL MISS ME MORE NOW :D HAHAHAHA.i have a serious problem -.-omg i miss blogging sosososososo much! NO WORRIES, PMZ, YOU WILL BLOG AGAIN ON 12OCT!what a very familiar date :D no coughing!! D:remember 12oct! it should be in all your calendars. the standing one on your table, the paper one on your wall, the one in your handbook, the one in your handphone .. SHOULD BE EVERYWHERE. haha! :Dself-entertainmennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnt! i'll be a busy woman from now on so the blog shall go dead. may i appeal to all year4s who have access to this lovely blog kept alive by the youngest&onlydoublegeog A2 who happens to be ohsolovable&adorable& ... to please blog too! hahaha :Dyepyep. WISHING ALL YEAR4S HAPPY RETIREMENT.eh.WISHING ALL YEAR4S HAPPY BREAK :Di want to invent a new element.it shall be promethazine :D PMZ. currently i am Promethium. :D:DWHAT ELEMENT ARE YOU!!i am Promethium.NO. i am Promethazine.pmz is so much cooler -.-JUST LIKE ME :Djust that i'm cold.there's a difference.happy retirement year4s!us juniors are at the peak of our lives.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
7:34 PM
BABY DARLINGS! :Dguess who's here! anyway its been a really long time since anyone blogged so i decided to come wish you all happy people JIAYOU FOR EXAMS!muahaha.to my darling year1s:first major exam in dunman! go people :D be stressed, cos i think you should be? heh.to my year2s:MUAHAHA. don't sacrifice all your time studying okay, you still have to spend and cherish the time left with your classes! cos you know you'll miss them later :D and. the eoye are just a reminder of that.AND TAKE GEOG NEXT YEAR! why do you all insist on history -.- i have never seen the fun in studying about dead people.to my SEXY BELOVED YEAR3 ALTOES!:mama says hello! although i am like the youngest year3 alto (im waiting to be proven wrong. muahaha) AND. the only A2! okay. anyway. you all prokias out there! i shall not wish you all good luck cos blogger refused to cough out my pic. and i am the only doublegeog. i keep sticking out!! anyway the hall is all prepared for our butts on monday! look at it on a dark day and you'll feel like dying haha.and. last but DEFINITELY NOT the least ...JIAYOU PMZ! :DDoh i'm such an idiot. pmz!<3
Friday, September 14, 2007
11:09 PM
HAPPY SC FAMILY HAHAHHA.hello yiting, now i wont feel so lonely anymore(:pmz!<3
10:39 PM
altos! just wanna tell you guys that
yiting is a SC! *clap clap*gratz yiting :D
all the best for eoys! :Dlove, jane!
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
6:32 PM

OMG! !!! !!!
i just found this picture from a chorister's blog.
so damn cute!
juniors please look at how toot/guai your seniors were when they were sec1 (for our batch)
see teckhuat, minjie and kennard (OMG THEY LOOK SO CUTE AND SMALL-ISH HAHA!) and the clement lookalike (kevin seet)
wansi and lydia and veron and sam (hahahah) looking very guai (:
and omg me and trish hahhahahhaaha.
okay thats all i guess. would like to say a JIAYOU! to everyone for their eoys! MUGMUGMUG :)
love, jingqi
Thursday, September 6, 2007
10:55 AM
Hey everyone!!
Just here to wish all our dearest altos all the best for your eoys. Jiayou. Altos are smart people and we all know that.XD Please feel free to ask anyone of your fellow altos for help if you need. Haha. Don't be shy shy. Yupps. I think that's about all. Gambate!